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Have a blessed day!

Our Latest Posts

4 Fluid Hours

A couple of months ago, I tried to take a realistic look at my schedule and everything that I was trying to get done in a day. I ended most days feeling like a failure because I had listed out everything that needed to get done and I never seemed to get it done. DH...

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce – Onion Free Of Course

So I promised that I would post my homemade tomato sauce recipe once I perfected it. When all three of my differently palleted family members tasted this sauce, they deemed it "the BEST sauce ever!" I'm calling that good!! 😉 The tomatoes that I used were straight out...

Sort of Last Minute Vegetable Soup

So here is a recipe that I came up with for vegetable soup one day when it occurred to me at lunch that I had completely forgotten to thaw soup for dinner. I had vegetable soup on the menu so that's what I made (but trust me that doesn't always happen.) This would...

Reflections on the First Year of Homeschooling

We survived the first year! The kids and I covered more than I would have ever thought possible - and they remember a lot of it! I had 3 main goals when we started - get them both reading well, and writing well, and teach them math. I knew that if I could teach them...

Teaching My Preschooler to Read

DS started kindergarten last fall. DD was still in preschool but wanted to do real school like her big brother. For a week or two, I tried some of the ideas that I read on various blogs and homeschooling sites for keeping younger ones occupied (special school time...

Super Easy Venison Meatballs

I don't know about your kids, but mine LOVE spaghetti. Spaghetti night is one of the few nights when everyone eats happily with no complaining over the menu. As of now, Ragu makes a sauce called Super Chunky Mushroom that doesn't bother my onion sensitivity. Prego...

The Personalities of Rainbow’s End – Fivel

Fivel is my big teddy bear and my dance partner. He is 16 hands 3 inches tall, which for non-horsey people means the top of his shoulder blade at the base of his mane (the hair along his neck) is 5 feet 7 inches off the ground. His is a gentle giant and a total prima...

Eggy Math

DS & DD have both been stuck in the house with ear infections for almost a month. With cold damp air outside, they have not been coming out to do much of the farm chores with me. To help them still feel like they are part of things, I invented a fun game every...

BBB Burgers

Here is my favorite recipe for burgers. I call them BBB burgers because I make them with bambi (what we call venison), beef, and bacon. DD, who dislikes ground meat, will actually devour these. This recipe yielded 44 burgers each about 1/4 lb. Ingredients: 24 oz fatty...

Batch Cooking – Tacos and Taco Soup

Here is how I make a huge batch of tacos and taco soup in a couple of hours. This yielded about 12 pounds of taco meat and 11 quarts of taco soup. Each of the finished and separated meals described below will usually feed 3 of us for 2-3 meals with an occasional bit...




Homeschooling We are adding to our list of “H’s” around here. To homesteading and horses, after much prayer and deliberation, we also added homeschooling.   It has been an adventure learning the ins and outs of what is required, how to keep up and where to find the...

In the Kitchen

In the Kitchen

IN THE KITCHENWelcome to the table at Rainbow's End. I love to experiment in the kitchen and greatly enjoy baking and cooking in many forms. Enjoy my collections of soups, cookies, batch cooking, and more. At least 3 out of the 4 of us have a bad reaction to onions,...

Farm Life

Farm Life

FARM LIFELife on a farm is fun, exhausting, fun, a lot of hard work, and fun! There are times when I wonder if I can do it and times when I know I’ve got this. Everyday is an adventure with new problems to solve. There is always more work to be done. You have to love...
