
We are adding to our list of “H’s” around here. To homesteading and horses, after much prayer and deliberation, we also added homeschooling.   It has been an adventure learning the ins and outs of what is required, how to keep up and where to find the best resources.

Come explore what has worked and what could have gone better in out home schooling journey.

School Gardening at Home

I have really wanted to use gardening as part of our homeschool for as long as we have been homeschooling. Both my...

Teaching My Preschooler to Read

Teaching My Preschooler to Read

DS started kindergarten last fall. DD was still in preschool but wanted to do real school like her big brother. For a...

Eggy Math

Eggy Math

DS & DD have both been stuck in the house with ear infections for almost a month. With cold damp air outside, they...

Beginning Homeschooling

Beginning Homeschooling

We are adding to our list of "H's" around here.  To homesteading and horses we are also adding...



Have you ever noticed how, when kids get tired, they go in a downward spiral from bad to worse.  This can be...

Grocery Shopping with Kids

Grocery Shopping with Kids

Ok, I know a lot of you out there will think that I am probably crazy after reading the next sentence.  I really...